Call for papers

Dear Authors,

IMPORANT: we inform that the final deadline for submitting works for the Doctoral Colloquium has been extended February 25th, 2023

LAST CALL: we are pleased to inform you that, in response to many applicants, the final deadline for paper submissions for the 32nd ACEDE International Conference has been extended to midnight (CET) on February 3, 2023. This is our final extension for paper submission. Thank you for your interest.


Dear colleagues,

The Organizing Committee of the XXXII ACEDE Conference, which will take place face-to-face from June 25th to 27th, 2023 in Alicante, ​​would like to invite you to participate actively by sending research papers or proposals in the Business Management and Administration topics. For this edition, the motto of the Conference is "Business, Strategy and Sustainability in a Global World". The Conference will accept papers in Spanish or in English.

The XXXII ACEDE Conference will have plenary sessions, communications, interactive sessions and pre-doctoral workshops. The scientific papers to be sent to this Conference should focus on the following areas of knowledge: 'Operations and Technology Management', 'International Management', 'Family Business', 'Business Strategy', 'Entrepreneurship', 'Marketing', 'Financial Economics', 'Human Resources', 'Business, Society and Sustainability', 'Knowledge Management' and 'Teaching Innovation', among others.


The key dates of the Conference are as follows:

Period for paper submission (final extension): November 21st, 2022-January 20th, 2023

Notification of paper acceptance: March 31st, 2023

Conference: June 25th-27th, 2022




If you have any doubts, feel free to contact with us:

We are looking forward to seeing you at XXXII ACEDE Conference 2023.


Bartolomé Marco Lajara

ACEDE 2023 Organizing Committee Chair