Social Activities

Sunday, 25-06-23, from 20:30, welcome cocktail in the gardens of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ).


Monday, 26-06-23, from 19:30, we will make a walking tour through the historic center of Alicante.


Monday, 26-06-23, from 21:30, dinner at the Hotel Meliá de Alicante (Meliá Alicante).


Tuesday, 27-06-23,from 7:00, 15th Quedada para Correr-ACEDE.

This year we will jog through the city of Alicante. It has been suggested a beautiful and affordable circuit as shown in the image below. A good part of it is on land, quite flat and along the promenade.

Given the schedules of the congress the plan is to meet at the Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante on Tuesday April 27, at 7:00, to run about 8-9 kms. Runners of any level are welcome.

For more information do not hesitate to contact Bartolomé Marco Lajara (, Javier Martínez Falcó ( and Luis A. Millán
Tudela (



Tuesday, 27-06-23, from 21:30, gala dinner at the Restaurant Torre de Reixes (Torre de Reixes).
